
“There is no one else I would go to for massage - Don has completely spoiled me for anyone else. I feel transformed walking out of his studio. Could not recommend him more highly.”
- Pediatrician, Tucson AZ

“I had my first experience with Thai yoga/massage with Don recently, and I am an enthusiastic convert!  Upon entering the treatment space, I was impressed with the quiet & private setting. It truly reflects Don's deep spirituality & commitment to health.  The meditational aspect of the treatment put me in a deeply relaxed & receptive state, & I was able to release control & allow him to position & effectively treat me. I was encouraged to relate any excessive discomfort. I normally have a difficult time not "helping" the therapist, or tensing when it hurts. Not so with Don. Needless to say, at the end of the two-hour session, I was practically immobile!  I feel that Don's sincerity shines out & sets him apart from other practitioners; it's not just an impersonal treatment; he cares very much about your healing experience. I would encourage any & all to experience it for yourselves. As for me, I will definitely be back for more!”
- Plantswoman, Phoenix, AZ

“I was honored to have Don work his skill and magic during our blissful two hour session.  His approach of meditating before each and every session, attests to his devotion to his craft. It’s a joyous experience of body and soul to be the focus of his energy. I felt deeply relaxed and rejuvenated.”
- Photographer, Ashland OR

“The 3 hour session with you was, without a doubt, my most wonderful body work experience ever! Exceptionally deep work with the most extreme relaxation and release. Cannot imagine it being better in any sense. I may still be taller! Really do feel that I have lasting effects from the hip and trunk work. AND lasting effects as any time I recall the experience, I feel relaxation washing over me.  I feel the work stimulated my lymphatic system for days. I wondered ,considering the depth of the work, if there would be soreness that would linger. There was basically NONE. Could not have been more pleased with the whole experience! You have wonderfully trained and intuitive hands (and feet, for that matter).  Many thanks for the session! “  
-Physical Therapist, Madison WI

“I felt absolutely wonderful after the last Thai session.  You truly have a healing gift!  I noticed that in the days after the session that my energy level was very high.  I think the Thai Yoga Therapy sessions are a wonderful addition to my yoga practice.  I feel very grounded and focused, and can't wait to dive deeper.    I would love to lock into your morning rate for a 6 month commitment for the 2hr  Thai Massage.”   
-Conservation Construction, Madison WI

“Don, the session was one of the most blissful experiences I have had in months.  Since my life is so chaotic at the moment, I wasn't sure how much I would be able to relax into the Thai Yoga Therapy.  Your touch was so reassuring and so loving.  I felt self and nurtured throughout.  Nothing at all was painful or uncomfortable.  You met me at my edge and respected that without taking it further.  The environment was incredible and played a big role in my letting go enough to enjoy the experience.  The smell was even intoxicating...   In the days following the session, my body felt more balanced and open than it has in weeks.  ...  I realize that these yoga therapy sessions are something I can see myself doing every other week or even every week in the future.  Thank you for holding the space for me with your loving intention.  ”  
- Alternative Health Practitioner, Middleton WI

“Yes, unforgettable: profoundly relaxing from arrival to departure and beyond.  All tension released.  Especially noticed absence of neck and shoulder tension.  Did not know that level was achievable.  Soothed all frayed physical and psychic nerves.  Left light as if pounds had melted away.  Healing, cleansing.   I found you to be immediately trustworthy.  The environment you created was totally supportive of the process.  You are intuitive and skilled.  You inspire trust and confidence.”  
-Social Worker, Madison WI

I told you about the pains I'd been experiencing, and I felt great that nite...
I woke up the next morning and stretched in bed(as usual) and there was NO PAIN!
AMAZING... I just gently moved and felt my body, feeling great again, and it was WONDERFUL! It felt like you gently got into some places that I couldn't release my self; and I was able to let go and you moved some congestion thru. I AM DELIGHTED... wish I was still in Madison for another thai  session. I continue to feel good, and the stiffness is very mild. it is gone for the most part....THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!”  
-Designer,  Ketchum Idaho

“I felt great after the last thai yoga metta session. Relaxed and like my muscles got a great stretch! I LOVE the work you do!”  
-Property Manager, Madison WI

“I was so happy with myself for making this appointment. And it was wonderful to experience such a peaceful time with some good body movement and attention. I really liked the sunny room, I really liked the beauty of the orchids. I really liked feeling my body be moved out of it's normal range of motion. I really appreciated your focus, Don, and your intention and relaxed movement through the  thai  session. I remember having the thought come to me years ago during a massage that I should spend more time moving "sideways" in my life. Meaning, come out of ruts often, or better yet, stay out of them!  This session was another reminder of that. ...  Specifically, my ribcage and hips felt very open after the thai yoga therapy, and my muscles all felt longer.  ...  I felt light for two days, although found myself being  very thirsty. On the third and now fourth day, I feel the effects of some shifting in my body on levels other than physical. ”
-Massage Therapist, Madison WI

"Walking into Don's  Thai Yoga studio is a relaxing experience in itself. It's a beautiful space with a huge window overlooking Lake Monona. He is friendly, warm, respectful and strong and obviously takes a great deal of pride in what he does. He is incredibly talented in terms of manipulating the body into different yoga poses and working energy points at the same time. It is not only relaxing, but also a great stretch to the entire body. I didn't know what Thai Yoga Massage was when I first saw him and now I'm completely sold! I would highly recommend Don Jones to anyone who wants to give a pure gift to themselves."
-Real Estate Owner and Manager, Madison WI
Thai Yoga Metta  Thai Massage
www.ThaiYogaMetta.net - don@ThaiYogaMetta.net
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